Showtime Business Management provides cost effective and efficient management tools for business administrators.
Managing a flexible workforce can be a daunting and time consuming job. Give us a look, we can make your life a lot easier.
Our Flagship Product, Showcall Manager, evolved from a need to bring a dynamic,
cloud based, event management solution to the arena and theater industry. Showcall Manager saves
our customers time, money, and resources.
Here are a few of the things Showcall Manager can do for you:
Workforce management: Employees receive text and email when work is posted.
Employee management: Group employees by qualified positions. Track and report on bookoffs.
Event fulfillment: The software will fill your events based on the employees wish list and skill set.
Event management: Manage your workforce dynamically for each event. Move people to different positions or
fill a last minute request for more staff.
Venue management: Keep track of rates and percentages of each venue.
Timesheets: Timesheets are created automatically for each call or event, track hours and OT.
Sign in sheets: Created automatically for each call or event.
Communications: Send messages to all staff, select staff, or specific groups.
Reporting: We offer dynamic reporting for tracking Payroll, Employees, and Events.
Custom reports are also available upon request.
Payroll reports:
reporting with benefit and deduction options. Reports are either
venue based or for all venues for a given date range.
We will work with you when
possible to customize the software to fit your needs. Contact us to setup a no strings attached presentation and let us set up a
demo environment for you to take it for a test drive.